Based on your horse’s specific needs, we will put together a treatment program to ensure the best results for recovery and allowing the horse to return to a regular work schedule. Alternative Therapies include, but are not limited to Cold Laser Therapy, Equi-Vibe, Shockwave, Ozone Therapy, Bemer, Corrective Shoeing, Kinesiology Taping, Massage Therapy and more.

Laser therapy can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation and accelerate recovery from a wide range of acute to chronic injuries or wounds. Lasers are also used to stimulate chiropractic and acupuncture points.
Laser Therapy has been scientifically proven to be successful in treating a multitude of conditions including:
- Tendon and suspensory injuries such as tears or strains
- Degenerative joint disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Back disorders
- Wound Healing

Whole Body Vibration treats a wide range of issues:
Abscesses, navicular, bruised feet, heel pain, thin soles, under-run heels, laminitis, founder arthritis, cellulitis, bone density, joint pain, ligament injuries, muscle atrophy, muscle soreness, wound healing, scar tissue, swelling, pre-performance warm-up, post-performance cool down and more!

EVS is CERP Certified – In cooperation with the Colorado State University Orthopaedic Research Center, the University of Tennessee (in 2004) developed the only university-based, RACE approved credential program in equine rehabilitation. The Equine Rehabilitation Certificate Program (CERP) is a sequence of postgraduate courses for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, physical therapists or students of these professions, which include case studies and a cumulative examination. The CERP program is designed to guide the practitioner from the theoretical foundations to the clinical applications of equine rehabilitation.

Physical Therapy -Equine Physical Therapy Rehabilitation is to help control discomfort, maintain and build muscle strength and to hopefully bring horse back to full strength and health more quickly than in the past. Just a few modalities used are the kiniesology tape, stretches, massage and combination treatment plans specific to horses injury/diagnosis.

Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and can be used to stimulate healing of soft tissue and orthopedic injuries so horses return to a level of full soundness and useful activity without recurrence of injury. It actually heals tissues instead of merely suppressing pain and inflammation.

Ozone contains three oxygen atoms, which react in the tissue as it breaks down to ordinary oxygen (O2). Ozone is a natural and safe treatment option that increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissue in the form of reactive ozone which decreases inflammation, pain and swelling, and helps increase healing. Ozone therapy has also been shown to activate the immune system by stimulating cytokine production. Ozone also inactivates bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa. Healthy cells are surrounded by an enzyme coating, which ozone does not penetrate, but bacteria and viruses have no such coatings. Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation.
Ozone can be administered in a variety of ways.
Intra-articular injection (prolozone) Ozone can be administered directly into the joint. It can also be mixed with a mixture of procaine, vitamins, minerals known as Prolozone. We have found this an effective treatment for joint pain, arthritis, and other joint diseases. Prolozone facilitates tissue repair and regeneration by improving oxygen utilization in a localized area of damaged connective tissue, thereby facilitating healing and the restoration of full function.
Subcutaneous Also works in decreasing inflammation around fibrous joint capsules.
Intravenous Spinal cord inflammation–ozone and oxygen go through the blood/brain barrier so it is an excellent way to aid treatment of any neurologic issue including EPM.
Topical Ozone can aid in the healing of wounds, especially degloving ones and deep abrasions; allergic dermatitis; abscesses and other skin conditions
Equine Massage Therapy- Our inhouse therapist is trained in foundation knowledge, fundamental massage techniques and advanced physical therapy techniques needed to successfully practice Equine Myo-manipulative Functional Therapy (EMFT) to keep your horse feeling its best.
The BEMER Horse-Set has been proven to have a positive impact on your horse’s body. It strengthens your horse’s health in terms of prevention and promotes regeneration after illness. It improves suppleness during training or when preparing for competitions. It can also provide valuable support during the healing process, including recovery from muscle tension or tendon/ligament/muscle injury.
Kinieso tape helps the body natural healing process by supporting muscles and joints used for both therapeutic (injury rehabilitation and athletic working situations.
It was developed with the intention to alleviate pain and improve the healing in soft tissues. There are many proposed benefits to taping, including: proprioceptive facilitation; reduced muscle fatigue; muscle facilitation; reduced delayed-onset muscle soreness; pain inhibition; enhanced healing, such as reducing edema, and improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood flow. Kinesiology Tape microscopically lifts the skin away from the muscle and fascia below, creating a decompressive effect and helps maintain a level of functionality and comfort for the animal throughout injury rehabilitation.
Kinesiology tape can be used for:
· Support Muscle Strain or Tear
· Reduce Muscle Stiffness
· Minimize Post-OP Recovery
· Reduce Inflammation
· Prolonging the Effects of Acupoint Therapies / Body Work / Laser Therapy / Myofascial Release
· Improve Movement
· Rehabilitate, Manage and/or Prevent Movement Dysfunction
Corrective shoeing helps to eliminate sticking stifles in some horses. The farrier encourages hoof rotation by trimming the inside wall or applying a lateral heel wedge. Better medial breakover can be enhanced by rounding the medial aspect of the toe of the hoof or shoe.
An equine free flow walker promotes the well-being of horses without restricting a horse’s head. This encourages a more balanced and symmetrical gait, which in turn reduces the risk of musculoskeletal issues such as uneven muscle development. By providing the horses with a more natural form of exercise, the free flow walker helps maintain their overall fitness and soundness.
Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of natural healing benefits to humans and animals. EVS offers Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils.
To order or for more information, please contact our office.
Equine Veterinary Services
4025 Coleman Cut Road
Paducah, KY 42001