As Equine Internal Medicine Specialists, EVS works with conditions that affect the general health and well-being of your horse, including conditions affecting the GI tract, respiratory system, blood and lymphatics, liver, muscles, kidneys and bladder, neurologic system, infectious diseases, and care of neonates (newborn foals). EVS combines traditional & integrative medicine practices to provide a diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Some of the services we provide include:
- Lung Plasmapheresis
- Gastroscope
- Endoscope (guttural pouch)
- Allergy Testing & Treatment – The SPOT Platinum+ Test & Treat Package examines 92 different environmental allergens and includes initial treatment of your choice.
- Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL)
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- Neurologic & Proprioception Exams
- Metabolic Testing (Cushings, EMS, PSSM genetic test, muscle biopsy)
- Trans Tracheal Wash
- Ophthalmology including: corneal ulcer treatments, sub palpebral lavage, uveitis- low dose gentamicin injection, eyelid laceration repair.
- Hormone Testing & Therapy including: ovarian tumor screening, progesterone testing, and testosterone screening.
- EVS offers an isolation barn for handling of possible contagious or infectious cases to ensure safety of other animals at our facility.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Does A Neurological Exam Include?
A complete neurological examination is used to assess the function and health of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles. Any horse with abnormal mentation, behavior, or neurological signs should be evaluated before continued riding and performance. During this exam, mental status, cranial nerve function, muscle and spinal reflexes, and gait/posture are all assessed. Proprioception is the ability to know where you and your respective parts are in space. This is also tested during a neurological examination by place the horse’s limbs in an abnormal location on the ground and seeing if they can right themselves. Another test administered is a tail pull used to access if a horse is weaker on one side or another. Some examples of abnormal or neurological behaviors include ataxia, circling, head pressing, irritability, dull coat, weight loss, poor performance or inability to move nose or ears.
Equine Veterinary Services
4025 Coleman Cut Road
Paducah, KY 42001